Mergers and acquisitions

Business mergers and acquisitions are complex transactions that require, in most cases, the participation of a team of lawyers that can provide a multidisciplinary and practical service, prepared not only to guarantee a successful transaction, but also to anticipate to the potential risks that may arise for the client during the process and after its conclusion. At MGA we care about assisting our clients, from the initial stages of a merger and/or acquisition, with the due diligence processes and structuring of the operation, to everything related to its post-closing.

Our team of lawyers works to offer a practical and proactive approach to generate options regarding the most efficient legal structures to achieve the objective of our clients and to manage and complete the administrative and governmental processes related to the approval and conclusion of a business merger and/or acquisition. Our team of mergers and acquisitions is frequently engaged in the provision of the following services:

  • Execution of due diligence processes both on behalf of potential buyers to identify contingencies and the most appropriate structure of the transaction, and on behalf of sellers, to prepare “data rooms” and adapt the legal documentation of the business prior to the operation;
  • Structuring of transactions for the purchase and sale of shares and assets, including participation in the negotiation processes, generation and management of schedules and function distribution charts, incorporation of companies, drafting of documents, procedures to obtain permits and no objections from the government or from third parties;
  • Structuring of debt capitalization operations and all types of corporate restructuring for reasons of indebtedness;
  • Split-ups;
  • Joint ventures;
  • Shareholder agreements;
  • Post-closing processes; and
  • Corporate consultations in general.

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    Economic criminal law

    Regulated markets

    Real estate practice

    Alternative dispute resolution

    Administrative law


    Corporate law

    Tax law

    Mergers and acquisitions